Our Partners

ROC Zuid – Holland – Zuid / Da Vinci College offers vocational training programs in Economics, Engineering and Technology, Information Technology, Health Care and Social Services. The age of our students ranges from 16 – about 20 years old. Besides also a wide variety of contract programs is offered, as well as basic education for adults.
We are aware of the fact that being a ROC we play an important role in society and also have a great responsibility to prepare students in an adequate way for their further participation in society. This implies that we continuously work on enhancing relationships with supplying schools, companies and institutions. We have to know what the labour market needs.
Trying to respond to the needs of society & the labour market we think that international activities, like mobility for students and staff, will help to get prepared for work at the international labour market and to be an understanding and contributing citizen.
College address:
Leerparkpromenade 100
3312 KW Dordrecht
The Netherlands
Gradia is the largest general and vocational upper secondary education provider in Central Finland catching 90 % of the age cohort (ca. 3000 young people). IVET (EQF4) and CVET (EQF 4 and 5) are provided by two VET colleges.
Basic Vocational Qualifications and Special Vocational Qualifications (Gerontology) in Social and Health Care (Practical Nurse) are provided in both the Consortium's vocational units: Gradia Jämsä and Gradia Jyväskylä. Traditionally, social and health care field is one of the most popular in the units. The key person of this project in Gradia Jämsä will be Ms. Maria Sissonen, Registered Nurse specialized in Medical and Surgical Nursing, and, later, graduated as Master of Nursing Science (University of Oulu in 1997). She has several years' working life experience in Geriatric Nursing and First Aid Intensive Care Units. She has trained both young and adult VET students (Practical Nurses and Registered Nurses) for 24 years. She has actively committed herself into developing international activities of all her employers, now at Gradia Jämsä. She was the coordinator of the KA2 project “Lucky you - Getting older in Europe” (1.9.2016 -31.8.2018), which was nominated as one of the successors (Good practice) by the European Union. A member of this project will be Mrs. Hanna-Leena Teeriaho, Bachelor of Social Services. She has one year teaching experience and 20 years working life experience in the field of autism spectrum disorders, neuropsychiatric conditions and learning disabilities. She has done clinical work and worked as Head of Services and as Head of Development and she also has participated in networks, she has been as a member of nationwide commission of quality of living services of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Hers responsibility areas in teaching are work with disabled, children and young people with special needs and all kind of subjects which are related to special education, special needs and AAC.
Also participating is MS Saara Koskinen an educator at Gradia Jämsä campus and she is skilled in subjects related to rehabilitation, health and sports. She is in charge of Competence area of Care and Rehabitation for Elderly People. She has Masters degree in Health Sciences (Exercise and Sports Medicine and Adult Education) and Bachelor degree in Physiotherapy. She has work history in different fields of rehabilitation and education. She have also been leading a health promotion project as a project manager. Mr Janne Ryynänen is participating also. He has graduated 1995 as an operating and anesthesiological nurse and he have been working as a nurse in different kind of workplaces nearly 20 years in Finland and in UK, like in ICU, OR, acute and chronic hemodialysis. I has done his Master degree in vocational teacher studies and since 2015 he has been working as a teacher (lecturer) in Jyväskylä Education Consortium Gradia.

IES Manuel Gutiérrez Aragón, is a secondary school that teaches Vocational Training Cycles of Vocational Training the specialities of: Chemistry (Chemical plant of medium degree and Industrial Chemistry, of high degree) and Health and Health (Nursing Asistant Care -CAE), in morning and afternoon shifts. We are located in Viérnoles, a small town near Torrelavega (Cantabria), and we also teach at other levels: ESO (compulsory education) and baccalaureate of humanities-social, scientific-technological and art. Currently We are approximately 95 teachers and about 900 students. EXPERIENCE: Our European vocation for the development of educational projects dates back to more than 18 years ago, and since 2010 until today our school has participated in different European projects in consecutive years.
Fernando Portal, is a doctor and a teacher of vocational training in the health specialty of Nursing Assistant Cares. I currently direct the position of Head of the Health Department at the IES MANUEL GUTIÉRREZ ARAGÓN school (Cantabria / Spain).
Aida Sanchéz, a primary teacher and Educational Counselor. I belong to orientation department in our secondary school. I can contribute in this program with my experience because I have worked many years in other schools in the region, with pupils between six-twelve years old. I have actively participated in the Health Plan in my previous primary school, which belong to the “Red de Escuelas Promotoras de la Salud” program in our region. I have taken part in the scholar vegetable patch, emphasizing healthy eating habits between the students, like for example the consumption of fruit during the break-time.
Pablo Torío Sánchez (pablots@iesgutierrezaragon.es) is a teacher of Spanish at Secondary School level. He has a degree in English Studies and later completed his Master’s in Applied Linguistics, and now teaches Spanish language and its literature to students of secondary school and Baccalaureate.
SU is a partner organisation in this project. RSU consists of several structural units and one of them is RSU Liepaja branch (RSU LF), which is involved in the project. RSU Liepaja branch is located in Liepaja, 200 km from the Capital of Latvia, Riga, where the other structural units are located. RSU LF implements First level professional higher education study programme Nursing and Bachelor degree program. During this course students of Nursing acquire care basics in order to satisfy patients’ basic needs. They learn to discuss and put forward care problems. RSU has started expanding cooperation with European HEIs since 1999 after obtaining the Erasmus University Charter, and the university is striving for providing students with more opportunities. Within the past few years RSU has achieved the highest number of incoming exchange students since 1999. RSU Liepaja branch can share experience concerning care about elderly people acquired during Erasmus+ project "Lucky You - Getting Older in Europe" (2016-2019). Dina Berloviene was the project coordinator in Latvia. We have study programmes closely related to Public health – Nursing and Health Sports. Students work with all age groups in health and fitness centers.

The foundation of MODERN BIOMEDICAL PROFESSIONS came out from a vision about the establishment of Paramedical and Biomedical Professions in Greece. Modern teaching methods using technology, informatics and communication in modern classrooms, distinguished tutors, modern scientific equipment, updated books and advanced laboratories confirm the reputation of MODERN BIOMEDICAL PROFESSIONS. MODERN BIOMEDICAL PROFESSIONS is activated in holding international academic collaborations with Universities, Institutes and Organisations for certification of professions abroad and participating in European Programmes. MODERN BIOMEDICAL PROFESSIONS have been activated new sectors to the areas of Physiotherapy, Ergotherapy, Cooking-Patisserie, Tourism, Management and Sport. The coordinator of MODERN BIOMEDICAL PROFESSIONS as well as international coordinators of the network colleges have worked in various international projects together and individually in their own national and international projects to develop Vocational Qualification in Social and Health Care and student exchanges, tuition and student evaluation abroad. The mission of MODERN BIOMEDICAL PROFESSIONS is to help young people to prepare themselves to face the challenge of an uncertain life in an active and changing world through participation in new international experiences.
MODERN BIOMEDICAL PROFESSIONS is a member of the most important network in Europe for international student and teachers mobility EfVet (http://www.efvet.org). 2018 SBIE has
been invited to present at the round tables of the annual event held in Como-Italy, their way of working and the good practices they carry out. Stressing this focus the school has made sure to express this awareness by integrating the internationalisation into the school profile as well as the organisational structure itself which is supported by our integrated process management. Eirini Mani, Head of European Office. She was born in Athens Greece, and holds a Master in International Business Adminstration from Lyon Catholic University.She has 10 years’ experience in establishing and managing European Projects for Vocational Training Institutes as hosting internship students from different countries.
She studied computing and she has attending conferences, seminars through Erasmus projects as also she is member to EFVET forum for the Vocational Training Education.
Our school is a small school, we have only one education: graduate nurses. We have about 250 students who have part time lessons and part time internships. They have the possibility to do an internship abroad as well.
We can provide nurses who can go to: a hospital, a psychiatric institution, an elderly home, homecare.
Our students are used to work independently, but they can always count on school and their mentors.
Our principals name is Luc Vanrobaeys, you can reach him at: luc.vanrobaeys@icdien.be
We have 2 coordinators of internationalisation: Katrien Claeys and myself (Melissa Eeckhout), you can reach us at internationalisation@icdien.be, katrien.claeys@icdien.be, melissa.eeckhout@icdien.be
Our key person for this project is Saskia Termote, you can reach her at: saskia.termote@icdien.be

VOŠZ and SSZ in Usti nad Labem is an educational institution with a long history. It was founded in 1946 as one of the first nursing schools in postwar Czechoslovakia. The school is takes care of education of students in different areas of the provision of patient care. At our school offers following fields of study students: medical assistant, graduate nurse, graduate paramedic, medical lyceum, a qualified dental hygienist, lab assistant, graduate medical laboratory technician, qualified pharmacy technician assistant dental technician, qualified dental technician, sport and reconditioning masseur, nurse. Currently, the school is attended by nearly 1,000 students. The school consists of three buildings. Two buildings are located in Usti nad Labem, a detached facility is located in Teplice. Students are educated by skilled teachers meeting the requirements of prescribed education. In addition to internal teachers, the school has a lot of external specialists who are involved both in theoretical instruction and on mentoring students in practical trainings. A newly open geriatric clinic where seniors can consult their issues relating to mood swings, behavioral disturbances, problems with walking, problems in the social sphere.
Key persons from the school: MUDr. Zora Olejárová - psychiatrist attestation - a psychiatrist since 1996 - Third Faculty of Medicine, Charles University, Prague - teacher and lecturer Mgr. Eva Fridrichová - a qualified nurse since 1983 - a nursing teacher for 20 years - took part in Ziel 3 project -has organised nursing conferences for 11 years - is in charge of cooperation with the Hospital for Long Term Illness in Ryjice - lectures for Czech Association of Nurses in neurologic nursing (a 2 year grant of educating medical doctors) Mgr.Alexandra Kramářová - a qualified nurse for 14 years - a nursing teacher since 2001 - in charge of Erasmus+ project
Dementia - Accepting the challenge - Learning to care and cope Mgr. Luděk Zahálka - English + Geography teacher and jcounsellor - takes part in organizing EU projects at school.